COALESCE National & Regional Hubs

National & Regional Hubs.

National and regional hubs are organisations across Europe, including COALESCE consortium partners, with an excellent reputation in science communication in their respective countries/regions. Together, they form a network at the heart of COALESCE and serve as the physical venues for COALESCE activities.

The N&R hubs will play a crucial role in COALESCE tasks, including the co-creation of the tools and resources that will be made available through the European Competence Centre for Science Communication. Among other functions, they will adapt resources for local actors involved in science communication, translate COALESCE materials into national and regional languages, and establish local Communities of Practice. Hubs will play different roles and engage in activities depending on their national and regional contexts and the nature of their work. 

The hubs will also raise awareness of resources and services from the Competence Centre with relevant stakeholders in their own countries. They will be involved in publicising and promoting COALESCE events and, in future, training opportunities offered by the Science Communication Academy.

New N&R hubs will be established throughout the project, following annual periods for expressions of interest from selected countries.

Explore COALESCE N&R Hubs.

National and Regional Hubs - Coalesce

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