Competence Centre
Co-create the EU Competence Centre for Science Communication.
COALESCE Work Package 3 (WP3) is “COALESCE, the European Competence Centre for Science Communication.
We are co-designing and establishing a virtual platform for the Competence Centre, together with our end-users, to offer knowledge, expertise, advice, resources, and tools on scicomm to all R&I actors, including science communication specialists, journalists and quadruple helix stakeholders (civil society, academia and scientific community, policymakers, industry and SMEs).
WP3 Leader: Science for Change
WP3 Co-leader: LUT University
Main results and achievements
- Definition and implementation of the co-design and co-development agile methodological framework
- Co-design user requirements specifications with our community
- Yearly launches of the virtual platform of the Competence Centre with new resources, tools and functionalities