COALESCE Publications

Policy Briefs

Here, you can download the policy briefs produced during the project. These are practical policy recommendations to improve science communication at different levels, and are all available in the COALESCE Zenodo Community

Policy Brief on excellent scicomm for society at large through informal activities

This policy brief is a living document with a set of policy recommendations that will evolve across the series of policy briefs as it integrates the outcomes of COALESCE case clinics on four topics: Climate, Water, Oceans and soils, Health, and Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation. While the case clinics inform the challenges that are raised in the Evidence and main findings section of each of the policy briefs, the recommendations are intended to be overarching. This policy brief draws together the main conclusions from SwafS-19 projects that pertain to the role of informal science engagement organisations, as well as drawing on the outcomes of the series of COALESCE case clinics carried out with representatives of different organisations, on the topic of public engagement on climate change, as one of the key topics addressed within COALESCE.

Public Deliverables

Here, you can download all the public deliverables produced during the project. These are official reports about our key achievements, all available in the COALESCE Zenodo Community

D1.2 COALESCE Data Management Plan 

This document outlines the data management plan (DMP) prepared for the COALESCE project. It informs about the intentions of the consortium partners concerning data collection, its documentation, sharing and short- and long-term storage. It represents the most up-to-date knowledge and awareness of research data management, as well as data to be collected in the scope of the COALESCE project. The strategy aims to enable Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable (FAIR) data use, which will be actively evaluated throughout the project. The DMP will evolve during the lifespan of the project as a living document and will be regularly updated.

D1.3 Report on Ethics Management

This document reports on the management of the ethical dimensions within the COALESCE project. It informs about the procedures and criteria to identify and protect research participants, the protection of personal data and the development of consent forms and other ethical implications of the research efforts.

D6.2 Communication and Dissemination Guide for National and Regional Hubs and Networks

This guide is a resource for the N&R hubs and other networks and other aforementioned networks associated with COALESCE. It is intended to outline the aims of the communication activities but most importantly provide practical guidance on COALESCE-related communication activities. Moreover, it proposes ideas for co-organised events that could enhance the dissemination of COALESCE results and describes co-creation events that will be organised during the project lifetime to co-produce communication materials.

Other Publications

Here, you can find any other COALESCE-related documents or relevant articles.

CORDIS Results Pack about scicomm projects

The article Science communication: Empowering citizens in the public discussion of science was published on the CORDIS portal featuring EU Research & Development projects. It is an updated Results Pack on science communication showcasing nine innovative scicomm projects, including COALESCE.

Poster on Envisioning the future European competence centre for science communication

This poster, developed in the initial phase of the COALESCE project, summarises the project’s goals. In order to decrease the distance between science and society, the COALESCE project will develop, consolidate and mainstream generated knowledge and connections on science communication to establish the European Competence Centre for Science Communication.

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