
Build and consolidate communities of knowledge and practice.

COALESCE Work Package 4 (WP4) is “COALESCE Community Engagement and Capacity Building”.

We are building, consolidating and keeping engaged new and existing communities of knowledge and practice (CoPs) to be involved in co-creation, mutual learning, training and networking activities. Specific objectives are:

  • Plan the process by which CoPs will be involved in the different participatory activities throughout the WPs.
  • Develop the participatory and co-creation strategy and ensure coordination to guide the work of COALESCE and boost collaboration, mutual learning and networking between all actors to support impactful scicomm.
  • Ensure that all outcomes are usable in different contexts, for different purposes, and by different R&I actors.
  • Produce policy recommendations for excellent scicomm for quadruple helix stakeholders (civil society, academia and scientific community, policymakers, industry and SMEs) and journalists.
  • Create and implement the COALESCE Science Communication Academy.

WP4 Leader: Venice International University
WP4 Co-leader: Stickydot

Main results and achievements
  • Emphasis placed on developing of the COALESCE CoPs and associated action plan as fundamental for the success of the project and Competence Centre
  • CoP engagement Action Plans developed
  • Deliver co-creation activities with our CoP
  • Define 4 pilots in Climate, Health, Water, Oceans and Soils, and AI to test and validate the Competence Centre resources, trainings and tools
  • Co-create policy recommendations on science communication in times of crisis

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