Engagement and AI: exchanging experiences at the latest COALESCE case clinic

1.6 min readBy Published On: 25.02.2025Categories: news, Newsletter, Senza categoria

As AI-powered technologies (generative and otherwise) keep popping up around our professional and even personal lives, we find ourselves wondering how the science-communication community is handling this tricky topic. How is AI being communicated? How can we better address misconceptions and ensure that citizens are well-informed about a technology that seems to be evolving at such a break-neck speed?

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting with five participants visible on the left column, with the presentation window showing the title of the slide and some bullet points

A screenshot from the case clinic

This was the topic of the COALESCE case clinic held earlier this month, prepared and delivered by our partners from Stickydot and VU Amsterdam. Around 40 science-communication professionals joined us to highlight challenges and collectively work on solutions related to engaging with AI.

A screenshot of an online discussion tool, where various responses from participants are visualised in a series of columns

A screenshot of the discussion tool used during the case clinic

Among other topics, participants discussed challenges in communicating the biases inherent to the technology of AI, as well as trying to strike a balance between conveying the inner workings and potentials of the technology itself and discussing the broader ethical implications it brings along. We also spoke about the role of policy in supporting science communicators in their efforts to engage the public with this technology. We considered the need for school curricula dedicated to AI literacy, and for a bigger emphasis on deliberative public consultations to help steer policy in accordance with the diverse needs, values and expectations of citizens from all walks of life.

The COALESCE case clinics are specifically designed and facilitated to invite participants to collectively share challenges and work on their solutions within a positive, judgement-free atmosphere that emphasises real listening. We’ve already run three of these clinics, all on different topics, and there’s plenty more to come. So, watch this space! It would be great to see and hear from you at the next session.

– Alexandre Torres, Stickydot

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