Coalescing at ESOF2024: watch the video interviews

3.5 min readBy Published On: 23.07.2024Categories: news, video

Three thousand five hundred participants, more than 130 talks and dozens of keynotes, workshops and side events: the ESOF2024 conference held in Katowice, Poland, from 12 to 15 June 2024, was a huge success. EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is a biennial meeting designed to offer a platform for interdisciplinary and intersectional debate about scientific culture, scientific research and innovation. The ESOF2024 slogan was Life Changes Science – a concept very well reflected in the rich programme.

The COALESCE project had a strong presence ESOF 2024: we had a press conference where we presented our latest policy brief on excellent science communication for urgent societal challenges, we ran two panel sessions and a workshop and we also had a crewed COALESCE booth. But, most importantly, we networked, connected and talked to many different people, in the spirit of coalescing and gaining useful insights as we co-create the European Competence Centre for Science Communication.

Here, you can watch the interviews with some key participants and speakers at ESOF2024, sharing with us their insights on crucial topics such as science communication in times of crisis, open science, university alliences, and evidence-informed policy-making.

Paul Manners | Open science and public engagement

What role can open science play in improving public engagement? Paul Manners, co-director of the National, Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement in the UK, spoke to us in Bristol before ESOF2024.

Agnieszka Gawda | Unlocking the potential of the research diaspora

The Polonium Foundation is an independent non-profit NGO in Poland, working to turn Polish brain drain into brain circulation, connect its members and provide policy recommendations. Agnieszka Gawda, Vice-President and CBO at Polonium, tells us about how the Foundation fosters collaboration between scientists and raise awareness about the research diaspora in Poland.

Alexander Hasgall | Science communication to inform policy decisions

How does science communication need to adapt so research can inform policy decisions more effectively? Insights from Alexander Hasgall, Head of International Funding Policy at the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Anna Maria Fleetwood | Promoting open science in science communication

How can open science be used to better communicate science and increase public awareness? Insights from Anna Maria Fleetwood, Senior Advisor for External Relations at the Swedish Council.

Anna Plater Zyberk | Science communication in times of crisis

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Anna Plater Zyberk from the Polish Academy of Sciences was part of the team of advisors to the Polish government. Here, she talks about the lessons learnt and the value of good science communication in times of crisis.

Filippo Nuccio | Open science for scientists

What is open science for scientists? And how can both science and science communication benefit from open science? Insights from Filippo Nuccio, Associate Professor in Mathematics at the Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne.

Agnieszka Gadzina Kołodziejska | Towards evidence-informed policy-making

What is evidence-informed policy-making and how can it be effective for society? And, from a policy perspective, which are the most pressing needs science should address? Insights by Agnieszka Gadzina Kołodziejska from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

Clive Cookson | Science journalism during the Covid-19 pandemic

Clive Cookson is senior science writer at the Financial Times, and Covid-19 pandemic was the biggest science crisis he has covered in his career. What are the lessons learned for science journalism?

Dobrivoje Lale Eric | Bridging the gap between science and society

The Center for the Promotion of Science in Serbia works to bridge the gap between science and society by bringing together all relevant actors and the general public in the research and innovation process. But how does the center practically work to connect science and society and advocate for institutional change? We hear from Dobrivoje Lale Eric, Head of Department of International Cooperation at the Serbian Center for the Promotion of Science.

Ana Slavec | Open science for science communicators

How can science communication support open science? What can science communication learn from open science? Insights from Ana Slavec from the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

Edita Lenkauskaite | Joining forces with the European Universities alliances

What are the European Universities alliance, and how is it working to strengthen the links between researchers and between science and society? Edita Lenkauskaite from Klaipeda University, Lithuania, and project manager of the EU-CONEXUS alliance, gives us an answer.

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