The value of informal science communication

0.9 min readBy Published On: 16.04.2024Categories: news, Newsletter

Last week, COALESCE published our first policy brief, on “Excellent science communication for society at large through informal activities”.

It draws together (a) the main conclusions from the eight projects that feed into COALESCE pertaining to the role of informal science-engagement organisations and (b) the outcomes of a series of COALESCE case clinics carried out with representatives of different organisations, on public engagement with climate change, one of the key topics addressed by COALESCE.

The policy brief is a living document, with a set of recommendations that will evolve by integrating the outcomes of future case clinics on the three other key topics for COALESCE: (1) water, oceans and soils, (2), health and (3) artificial intelligence and digital transformation.

We will be hosting a live feedback session for anyone involved in informal science communication to give us your thoughts on the policy brief. The event will take place over Zoom on 30 April (Tuesday), between 16:00 and 17:00 CEST (see other timezones):

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