An ENJOI-able wrap-up

Published On: 01.02.2024Categories: Newsletter
An artistic header for the ENJOI Final Event with those words displayed next to a cartoon of a human with a lightbulb above their head

In November 2023, COALESCE’s sister project ENJOI had its Final Event in Bologna, discussing the new frontiers of innovation in science communication and journalism.


One of COALESCE’s sister projects is ENJOI, which in the past three years worked to foster engagement, openness and innovation in science communication and journalism in Europe. The project’s Final Event was held on 16 and 17 November 2023, at the Palazzo Pepoli in Bologna. Journalists and practitioners from different countries, backgrounds and experiences gathered to discuss ENJOI’s results and the new frontiers of innovation in science communication and journalism.

Coordinated by the Italian science-communication agency formicablu, ENJOI created an Observatory for Outstanding Open Science Communication. The ENJOI Observatory will be part of the future European Competence Centre for Science Communication, with a specific focus on science journalism.

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