Welcome to the COALESCE newsletter

1.1 min readBy Published On: 31.01.2024Categories: Newsletter Editorial

COALESCE had a momentous 2023. We launched our project to co-create – with you! – the European Competence Centre for Science Communication, and took our first key steps in achieving this objective. We would like, first, to thank all of you who have registered to join our Community of Practice. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet – our doors remain metaphorically open, so sign up today.

One of our highlights last year was our first public co-creation event, held in Granada in October under the aegis of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Year of Skills. Find out more about that event further down in this issue.

This month, we’ll be hosting our first COALESCE Clinic, in the form of an online workshop for informal science communicators on the subject of the climate emergency, on 21 February (Wednesday) between 16:00 and 17:00 CET (UTC+01). You have until tomorrow to express your interest to participate in the workshop.

Also this month, we’ll be launching our podcast, with the first season looking at opportunities and challenges for science communication in the age of AI. And if you are still not following us on social media, find us on Twitter/X and LinkedIn and remedy that.

Once again, welcome to your COALESCE newsletter!

– Joana, Jason and Rosa
The COALESCE Co-ordination Team

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